[To Hide in a Tree of Sound Workshop]

Last week I had the honor of singing in composer Lembit Beecher's workshop for his new opera To Hide in a Tree of Sound.  Lembit is one of my favorite composers, and this project includes some gorgeous music as well as a beautiful libretto by Hanna Moscovitch.  I spent the day making music at the Curtis Institute in Philly with the Aizuri Quartet and Lembit, who played everything from a custom build sound sculpture (built by the ExCITe Center at Drexel) to a wine glass, to a bicycle wheel!  I am very eager to follow the development of this piece.  Thanks for including me, Lembit!  

Fun Fact: Lembit and I went to High School together at York School in Monterey, California and performed together in a production of Kiss Me Kate! Go Yorkies! I'm so glad we're making music together again :) 

I got to play a music box! 

I got to play a music box! 

Here is a live recording of me singing another piece by Lembit entitled A Paradoxical Thing from his song cycle Looking at Spring.